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Shared Asset and CI Audit Trail Records

The Versioning feature includes audit trail changes made to CA APM. The Versioning feature also supports launch in context from CA CMDB to CA APM directly from an attribute log entry associated with each CA APM change. The CA APM audit trail information is only available for CI/Assets from the CA CMDB families with CA APM auditing logging enabled.

The Versioning tab that includes the CA APM audit trail information supports all families, provided logging for that family is enabled.

By default, CA APM does not log Asset attribute changes. To use CA CMDB Versioning with a CA APM-managed Asset/CI, the Store Audit Trail Data option must be enabled on each asset attribute that requires logging.

Note: For more information about how to enable auditing, see the CA APM documentation.

When asset attributes are modified in CA APM, the Versioning tab data on the CI Detail page can be updated before the Attributes tab data due to caching activity. To resynchronize the values, click the Edit button.