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schedConfig Macro—Configure Schedule

The schedConfig macro specifies that a form contains a schedule and provides basic configuration information. The following values are valid macro arguments:


Specifies whether the schedule form reloads data from the server when the user selects a view outside the currently selected date range. Setting the value to 1 (default) causes the form to search automatically when the user selects a view with one or more days outside the date selection range of the search filter. Setting the value to 0 requires the user to press the Search button to initiate a search.


Specifies the default view for the search filter as 0 (list), 1 (day), 7 (week), 30 (month), or 99 (n-day).

The specification for defaultView affects only the initial display of the search filter. After the schedule displays, CA SDM automatically keeps the filter view selection aligned with the current view.

Default: 30


Specifies the first weekday on the monthly view as a number between 0 (Sunday) and six (Saturday).

Default: 0


Specifies the code name of the template used for exporting in iCalendar format. Setting the value to 0 indicates the export feature and button are disabled.

Default: ChangeSchedule


Specifies the location of the schedule legend showing the name and formatting of the groups on the schedule. You can set the value to 1 to position the legend above the schedule, or 2 to position the legend below the schedule. Set the value to 0 to disable the legend.

Default: 2


Specifies the maximum number of groups to be displayed in a single cell of the calendar month view.

If there are more than maxGroups scheduled for a single day, CA SDM displays only the first maxGroups-1, and replaces the last with a "..nn more changes" hyperlink that the user can mouseover or click to see the full list. Set the value to 0 to disable this feature and allow an unlimited number of events in a calendar cell.

Default: 4


Specifies selections for the drop-down list for the n-day view.

The specification is a list of day counts that are to be included in the drop-down list, or 0 to indicate that the n-day drop-down list is omitted from the schedule. The first value specified is the default for the drop-down list.

Default: (3,7,14,28)


Specifies whether schedule start and end dates are rounded when collecting change orders or knowledge documents into groups. Specify round=0 to disable rounding.

By default, schedule start and end date groups objects. All CA SDM dates include a time, and without rounding, objects scheduled as little as a minute apart would be in separate groups. Rounding determines the group after adjusting the start date to an earlier hour or minute and the end date to a later hour or minute.

The value of round specifies either an hour or a minute (but not both). Times are rounded to the nearest multiple of the value specified, for example:

round=(0,15) rounds to the nearest quarter hour

round=(0,30) rounds to the nearest half hour

round=1 rounds to the nearest hour

round=12 rounds to the nearest half day (12:00 AM or PM)

round=24 rounds to the nearest day

Default: (0,15)


Specifies the format of times on the calendar views of the schedule.

The default value of 24hr specifies that times are displays in 24 hour format (0:01 - 23:59). The alternative value of (am,pm) specifies a suffix for either morning or afternoon times, or both.

Note: All schedConfig arguments are optional.