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Predefined Service Types

CA SDM provides predefined service types. You can modify the predefined service types and create service types to better suit the needs of your enterprise. The following predefined service types are included with CA SDM:

The 4-hour resolution service type is associated with priority code 1 when you first install CA SDM, which means that every ticket created with a priority of 1 is treated as if it should be resolved within four hours. Several service type events are associated with the 4-hour resolution service type to ensure quick resolution:

None of the other predefined service types are associated with a priority code, but they are defined with events similar to those described for the 4-hour resolution service type. As system administrator, you can associate these service types with priority codes if you like. For example, you might make the following associations:

Alternatively, you can remove the association between priority code 1 and the 4-hour resolution service type if does not suit your needs.

The cr_sla, chg_sla, and iss_sla customization options specify that all requests, change orders, and issues must be associated with a service type. These options select the best service type and apply it to the request, change order, or issue. These options are installed automatically; however, you can uninstall or reinstall them using the Options Manager.

Note: For descriptions about the customization options, see the Online Help. For information about how to define service types and modify priority codes, see the Online Help.