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Manage Category Permissions

You can manage category permissions in your Knowledge Management environment by granting specific read/write permissions based on group or role. You can specify who can view, edit, delete, or add subcategories to a category.

Note: You can use empty write permissions for documents and categories. Empty write permissions are set when you do not select write permissions. Only privileged users can modify categories and documents with empty write permissions.

To manage category permissions

  1. On the Administration tab, browse to Knowledge, Knowledge Categories.

    The Knowledge Categories page appears.

  2. Right-click the category under which you want to create the category, and select New Category from the shortcut menu to manage the permissions of a new category.

    The Create New Category page displays the Content tab.

  3. Click Permissions.

    The Permissions tab appears.

  4. Select one of the following permissions options for the category:
    Inherit from Parent

    Specifies that the new category has the same permission settings as its parent category.

    Note: If you select the Top category before opening the Create Category page, the Inherit from Parent option is not available.

    Control by Group

    Specifies category permissions for groups to have read or write access to the category.

    Control by Role

    Specifies category permissions for roles to have read or write access to the category.

    Note: If you change controls, such as setting the permission from group to role, a warning appears that says existing permissions are deleted.

    Grant Write Permission to Everyone

    Specifies that all users have write access to the category. Write access indicates that you can edit or delete this category.

    Note: The Grant Read Permission to Everyone check box is automatically selected if you select the Grant Write Permission to Everyone check box.

    Grant Read Permission to Everyone

    Specifies that all users have read access to the category. Read permission indicates that you can view the category, but you cannot edit or delete it. Users with administrative rights can edit a folder even if their associated permission group cannot. If a user belongs to multiple permission groups with varying levels of access to the category, the user gets the highest available access level (for example, if one group has read-only access and the other write access, the user gets write access).

    Note: The Grant Read Permission to Everyone check box is automatically selected if you select the Grant Write Permission to Everyone check box.

    Important: When you grant permissions for Everyone, the access by role or group is the same. If you selected Everyone and Control by Role, after you save the permissions, the Control by Group becomes selected.

  5. Grant the appropriate read/write permissions to specific groups or roles from the Available and Selected lists.

    You can select one or more permission groups or roles from the Available Groups/Roles list, and then use the Add and Remove buttons to move the selected groups or roles to the Groups/Roles with Write Permission and Groups/Roles with Read Permission lists.

    Note: All groups or roles added to the permission list are automatically added to the read permission list. When you select the Grant Read Permission to Everyone check box, you do not need to add groups or roles to the read permission list.

  6. Click Save.

    The Category Detail page appears.

  7. Click Close Window.

    The modified category appears in the Knowledge Categories pane.