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Logged In and Licensed User Counts

The webLicenseCt KPI counts the number of logged in users that are using a CA SDM license. The Licensed? check box on the Access Type page determines whether this contact is a licensed access type. Contacts assigned to unlicensed access types can only view or update their own personal data. Additionally, the webSessionCt KPI counts the total number of web sessions—both licensed analyst users and end users logging in to the web self-service interface are all counted. If a user is logged in multiple times to CA SDM, either on their computer or on another computer, multiple web sessions occur. If the user is an analyst, multiple licenses are used. Multiple open pages for the logged in user do not affect the web session and web license count.

Note: For more information about access types, see the Online Help.

Example: Licensed and Logged In Users Counts

Three end users are logged into the web self-service interface and reviewing some announcements.

At the same time five licensed analysts (that have the check box ticket in their access type) are logged into the analyst interface and working on incidents.

The webLicenseCt KPI shows a count of five, meaning that five licenses are currently being used.

The webSessionCt KPI shows a count of eight, meaning that eight total users are logged into the web interface of CA SDM.