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pdm_k_reindex—Knowledge Re-Index Utility

The Knowledge Re-Index utility, pdm_k_reindex.exe, is located under the Knowledge Management installation directory.

Note: Re-indexing the documents in the knowledge base can be a time-consuming operation, depending upon the size of your database. We recommend that you run the Knowledge Re-Index utility after all the changes have been added.

To run Knowledge Re-Index, enter the following command at the command prompt:


Following are the options available with this command.



Defines the debug mode, such as printing to the command window.


Defines the verbose mode, such as printing to the stdlog file.


Does not create table indexes in the re-index table after re-indexing.

Note: Parameters with dash as a prefix, such as “–D”, should precede other parameters that do not have this prefix.


Documents are re-indexed to the appropriate file.


Creates indexes of the re-indexed table only, which is the search table after re-indexing. Old indexes are dropped before re-indexing.


Switches names of search and re-index tables only.

Note: A “+” prefix denotes only this parameter applies.


Defines the frequency of statistic appearing in the command window. By default the Knowledge Re-index utility provides statistics into the command window for every 1000 documents processed. However, sometimes statistics are required to be provided more often. Use the following parameter:

pdm_k_reindex -i sdtout:10

In this case, statistics display in the command window for every ten documents.

Important! On UNIX, the LIBPATH must be set before running several CA SDM utilities. Use pdm_task to set the LIBPATH before running a utility. For example, input "pdm_task pdm_clean_attachments ...".