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How to Set Up Web Director in an SSL Environment

Consider the following information if one or more of the web engines associated with a web director are configured with UseDirector AfterLogin, and the rest of the web engines are configured with UseDirector BeforeLogin:

To set up web director in an SSL environment, we recommend that you configure one HTTP server for secure sockets, and associate a single web engine with that server as follows:

  1. Read and understand how web director handles sessions.
  2. Configure the single web engine with UseDirector AfterLogin and WillingnessValue 0.
  3. Configure one or more additional web engines to connect with a second HTTP server that uses standard HTTP protocol.
  4. Configure these web engines with UseDirector BeforeLogin and WillingnessValues appropriate to the relative capacity of their host computers.

    The web director can direct all logins to the secure server (because servers with willingness zero are still eligible for login), but refers the rest of the session to one of the other web engines.