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How does an MDR Complement CA SDM?

An MDR typically contains more detailed CI information than CA CMDB. However, a single MDR is not generally aware of the existence of other MDRs, nor does it focus on the relationships that a particular CI can have with other CIs, especially if they are contained in other MDRs. CA CMDB is well-suited to managing this type of environment because it focuses on managing CIs regardless of their MDR source.

CA CMDB is not intended to store all attributes for all CIs; instead it is used to consolidate the most important attributes that must be managed centrally. Attributes that are under the control of change management are excellent candidates for inclusion in the CMDB. Attributes that CA CMDB does not manage can be accessed by using the MDR Launch capability. In addition, CA CMDB provides the CMDBf Viewer, which allows side by side comparison of that CI's attributes across multiple CMDBs and MDRs.