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Create a Blackout Window Example

The following example creates a blackout window to indicate that your organization does not schedule change orders for a specific time period. You want this blackout window to last 48 hours and recur every Friday at 6:00 PM in your time zone.

Follow these steps:

  1. On the Administration tab, click Service Desk, Change Orders, Change Windows.

    The Change Windows List appears.

  2. Click Create New.

    The Create New Change Window page appears.

  3. Complete the appropriate fields as follows:
    1. Enter Friday_Blackout as the window name.
    2. Select the type Blackout.
    3. Select the Active status.
    4. Select the upcoming Friday and 6:00 PM from the Date Helper as the Start Date.
    5. Select the upcoming Sunday and 6:00 PM from the Date Helper as the End Date.
    6. Select your time zone.
    7. (Optional) Enter a description for the blackout window.
    8. On the Recurrence Pattern tab, select Weekly.
      • Set the recurrence to every 1 week.
      • Select the date to end the recurrence.
  4. Save and close the blackout window.
  5. Refresh the Change Windows List.
  6. Open and refresh the Change Calendar.

    The blackout window appears in the schedule.