A snapshot is a representation of the complete state of an object at a single point in time. For example, a typical CI has many snapshots associated with it. A snapshot consolidates all modification events that occur to an object during a one-minute time interval. For example, if you update a CI (edited and saved) several times within one minute, CA SDM creates a single snapshot that captures all of the updates during that minute.
Snapshot is a general term that refers to time and date-based snapshots, as well as milestones or Standard CIs. To help you to locate meaningful points in time, CA SDM lets you label snapshots meaningfully. These named snapshots are called milestones.
Every time a change is made to an object, CA SDM creates a snapshot automatically, without the need for manual action. Versioning captures all changes to the object. For example, snapshots created using the user interface, or snapshots originating at an MDR and came to the CMDB through GRLoader or CA CMDB Web Services.
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