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TWA GRLoader Command Options

CA SDM provides the following command options for use in GRLoader TWA processing:


Loads XML into the initial state.


Loads XML into the ready state.


Loads transactions from the TWA.


Loads transactions from the TWA and inactivates successful transactions.

-chg nnnn

Used with –lftwa and -lftwar. Loads only those transactions associated with change order nnnn.

Note: The Change Order string is not validated when loaded into the CMDB.


Ignore case of lookup attributes. By default free-form text for lookup attributes is processed as case sensitive unless you use this option.


Determines whether CI transactions can create or update CIs. When this option is used, GRLoader perform error checking against CIs only.


Determines whether relationship transactions can create or update relationships. This option verifies relationships for the existence of the provider and dependent CIs, validates relationship types, and so on.