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Transaction Work Area

CA SDM provides the transaction work area (TWA) for inspecting and modifying CI and relationship data before you load the data into the CMDB.

The TWA process works as follows:

  1. Load the data into the TWA. The content can include CI transactions or relationship transactions. The input process does not attempt to reconcile records; it simply populates the work area with CI and relationship transaction records in one of the following ways:
  2. (Optional) Manually reconcile transactions to existing CIs in the CMDB before you load the data. You can also simulate loading the data to predetermine whether a set of transactions can create new CIs (and therefore create new ambiguities for other CIs) or relationships.

    For more information, see Review and Modify Inbound Data Using Transaction Work Area (TWA).

  3. Modify the data. You can modify the TWA from the following sources:
    CA SDM user interface

    The web-based user interface lets you view and modify transactions in the work area.

    Native SQL

    When performing many changes to multiple transactions, native SQL can modify the data in the TWA.

    Note: Changes made using native SQL can bypass all CA SDM security.

  4. GRLoader loads the data from the TWA to the CA CMDB using the -lftwa or -lftwai options. Each TWA row is treated as a separate transaction.
    1. If there is an error after a GRLoader run, the error code is populated into the transaction to indicate that it is incomplete (to facilitate future retries).
    2. All other records are identified as completed transactions.
  5. Review the transaction results and correct any errors using the web interface. Repeat steps 3 and 4 as needed.

    Note the following: