Previous Topic: Manage a CI Relationship

Next Topic: View Relationships for a CI

Create a CI Relationship

You can add a CI relationship by starting from a focal configuration item.

To add a relationship from a focal CI

  1. Select the CI to which you want to add a relationship.

    The CI Detail page appears.

  2. Click Edit.

    The Update CI page appears.

  3. Click the CMDB Relationships tab, and click Create New.

    The Create CI Relationship page appears.

  4. Specify the Provider CI. You can click the magnifying glass link to search for the CI.

    Note: Depending on the relationship you want, you can click Reverse to toggle the provider/dependent positions.

  5. Specify a Relationship Type. You can click the magnifying glass link to search for the relationship type.
  6. Specify the other CI (by default, the Dependent CI). You can click the magnifying glass to search for the CI.
  7. Click Save.

    The relationship is created.