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Update a Relationship Transaction

You can view and modify data for a single relationship transaction. On the Relationship Transaction Detail page, you can do the following:

To update a relationship transaction

  1. Click Edit.

    The Update Relationship Transaction page appears.

  2. Modify and complete fields.
  3. Select Active.
  4. Click Save.

    The relationship transaction is saved.

When all data entry is complete, you can simulate loading the data to validate the data and check reconciliation.

Important! Data that you enter into the TWA using this web interface must follow the rules described in the section "How to load data into the TWA Using GRLoader".

The web UI does not validate case-sensitive data in the TWA, verify that the values you enter exactly match the lookup values. Alternately, when you run GRLoader, you can specify the –I option to enable case insensitive lookups.

Note: Even though the provider_id or dependent_id are stored as UUIDs in the transaction, they are displayed as CI names in the web interface.