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Assign a Web Engine to a Web Director

A web engine is assigned to a web director by the web director parameters in the following web engines file:


Notice that while each web engine requires its own <Host_Name>-web[#].cfg file, web directors do not use a web configuration file. This web engine/web director assignment is initially accomplished through the following utility script:


Additional changes to the web engine’s <Host_Name>-web[#].cfg ‘webdirector’ parameters may be necessary to further modify web engine redirection behavior. If a web engine is not assigned to a web director (the default), the ‘UseDirector’ parameter in the web engine’s configuration file is set to ‘No’. CA SDM then ignores the remaining ‘webdirector’ parameters for the web engine.

After a web engine is assigned to a web director, the following parameters define how the web engine interacts with its assigned web director: