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An email artifact refers to something that arises from the mail process, for example, an email address that is included in a forwarded email. The Text API uses artifacts that contain a ticket ID (such as a reference number) for reply support. When the ticket ID is found, an existing Text API keyword (such as %INCIDENT_ID) is set and added to the input for the Text API. The Mail Eater identifies that a reply is associated with a particular ticket by finding the artifact in the message.

Mailbox rules let you specify the artifact and the value that the Text API uses. For example, you can define a rule for incidents as Incident:{{object_id}}%. When a rule finds Incident:1234, the Text API uses %INCIDENT_ID=1234 (1234 is the ref_num for the Incident). Because the artifact must be unique in an email and easy to find, you can make the artifact more distinctive such as %Incident:{{object_id}}%. A percentage sign (%), whitespace, or some other character that cannot appear in an artifact value must follow {{object_id}}. Uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, forward slashes, commas, and plus symbols are potentially part of a value. The secure artifacts are Base64-encoded after encryption. If you do not use Secure artifacts, the characters that follow the artifact must not be contained in the ticket ID suffix, if any, which has been configured for that type of ticket.

When using the filter string of the mailbox rules to identify the ticket ID Artifact, the keyword {{object_id}} represents the position in the filter string where the ticket ID artifact is expected. This keyword is case sensitive, even if the mailbox rule is not.

Example: Email Artifact Use

The following example shows an ARTIFACT format for use in a mailbox rule for a change request ticket.

Usage: %REQUEST=@{call_req_id.ref_num}%

Example: %REQUEST=1234%