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How to Assign a Tenant to a Priority Calculation

For multi-tenancy, you can assign a tenant to a priority calculation. First, you inactivate public priority calculations. Then, you assign the tenant to a priority calculation and activate it.

To assign a tenant to a priority calculation, do the following:

  1. On the Administration tab, select Service Desk, Request/Incidents/Problems, Priority Calculation.

    The Priority Calculation List appears.

  2. Edit each public priority calculation, such as Default. Set the status to Inactive and click Save.

    The system disables the public priority calculations.

  3. For each tenant, create or edit a priority calculation with tenant-specific settings for Impact, Urgency, and Priority.

    The Create Priority Calculation or Update Priority Calculation page appears.

  4. In the Name field, specify the tenant.
  5. In the Status field, select Active.
  6. Click Save.

    The system applies tenant-specific values for Impact, Urgency, and Priority on new incidents and problems.

Note: For information about creating and editing priority calculations, see the Online Help.