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Add a Discovered Asset

You can change non-owned assets in the Management Database (MDB) into owned configuration items.

To add a discovered asset

  1. Click the Discovered Assets button on the Configuration Item List page.

    The Discovered Asset Search page appears.

  2. Click Search to display the Discovered Asset List.
  3. Select the asset from the list that you want to add as a configuration item, and then right-click the asset and select Create New Configuration Item from the pop-up menu that appears.

    The Create New Configuration Item page appears with information about the item populating some of the fields.

  4. Complete any remaining fields that apply to the new configuration item and click Continue.

    Note: Only name and class are required values for creating a configuration item.

  5. Enter data as required in the appropriate fields on the Attributes tab.

    The family of the class that you selected for the configuration item determines the attributes that appear on the tab. The information you enter here is determined by your business processes and the information you want to store and view for a configuration item.

  6. Click Save.

    The discovered asset is added.