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Perform Root Cause Analysis

Using Visualizer with the CMDBf Viewer, you can perform a root cause analysis.

To conduct a root cause analysis

  1. In Visualizer, locate a Service CI in a particular problem condition (for example, slow or unavailable).
  2. Right-click the CI and select Make Focal CI.
  3. Select a Root Cause filter using the following criteria:
  4. Click View.

    In the resulting graph, all CIs that are related to the focal CI are displayed as specified in the filters. All paths between CIs include intermediary CIs to the default level.

  5. Navigate to the CIs and inspect them for incidents, problems, or recent changes as candidates for the root cause of the focal CI condition.
  6. Launch CA CMDB in context for a particular CI.
  7. Click CMDBf Viewer.

    The Federated View is displayed with the list of MDR providers for the CI.

  8. Click Retrieve to obtain the latest MDR attributes.

    The MDR attributes are updated.