While transaction data for a CI is in the TWA, some other action can update that CI in the CMDB and cause the TWA transaction data to become invalid. To prevent unwanted data regression, GRLoader compares the TWA tran_dt (Transaction Date) field with the CI last_update_dt (Last Modified Date) or relationship last_mod_dt (Last Modified Date). If the last_update_dt is more recent, GRLoader rejects the TWA transaction and posts an error message to the tran_message column.
You can resolve this situation by doing one of the following:
Note: If GRLoader rejects a transaction as older than the target CI, and then you verify that the transaction should run, manually set the transaction date to be more current and re-run GRLoader.
Warning! The ignore transaction dates option can cause data backleveling or regression. When a single CI or relationship is updated multiple times in the same GRLoader -lftwa run, the last_update date of the CI or relationship is set to the current time during the first update. To allow for multiple updates to the same CI or relationship, an additional check is made to see if the CI or relationship was updated after GRLoader started. If it was, then the update is allowed.
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