Previous Topic: Create a Metadata Form

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Create Metadata

Metadata includes information about attribute column headings and Standard CI information that the Versioning feature requires.

Important: Metadata requires careful planning to ensure correct data in Snapshots, correct titles in Versioning, and successful Standard CI comparisons.

To create metadata

  1. Using the Web Screen Painter Visual Editor, click File, Open to access cmdb_metadata_extension.htmpl, where extension is the name of the extension table.
  2. Following the instructions listed in the form, copy and modify the indicated row for each attribute in the new extension table.

    Note: The following attributes, although required, do not need metadata:

  3. Save and publish all changes.

If you are adding metadata to an existing CA CMDB family, audit changes will be displayed correctly on the Versioning tab. However, if you are defining metadata for a new extension table, you must have a new family and class for your attributes; for more information, see Adding a New CA CMDB Family or Class.

The structures for your new extension table are now in place. To define a new family for your attributes, continue to Define a New CI Family.