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Launch in Context from CA CMDB to CA APM

The CA CMDB MDR Launcher facility supports launch in context to CA APM when CA APM and CA CMDB are sharing the same MDB. The CA CMDB UI provides a launch in context button on the Attributes tab in the CI detail form when the user creates a special CA APM MDR provider definition.

The CA APM MDR definition has all the capabilities of a traditional MDR. The CA CMDB Versioning feature also supports launch in context directly from an attribute log entry associated with each CA APM change.

Important! Unlike other MDRs, the CA APM MDR is automatically associated with each CI or Asset. The MDR class of GLOBAL and MDR name of APM are used to identify the CA Asset Portfolio Management r11.3.4 MDR. The MDR class of GLOBAL and MDR name of ITAM are used to identify the CA APM r12.6 MDR. Use of the CA APM MDR is fully compatible with other MDRs, even for the same CI.