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uniconv--Start UNIX CA NSM Event Converter Daemon

Applies to UNIX only

When CA SDM is integrated with CA NSM, you can use uniconv to send generic event data to filter daemons in CA SDM. uniconv is used in a message action in CA NSM Event Management.


This command has the following format:

uniconv -h &opnode -e &’text’ [-n &
nodeid] [-u &userid] [-d &datem] [-t &’


uniconv must be run from $NX_ROOT/bin on UNIX. Your site must be integrated with CA NSM to use this utility.

-h &opnode

Specifies the node name of the machine on which you are executing uniconv (required).

-e &'text'

Specifies the full text of the message (required).

-n &nodeid

Specifies the node name from which the message originated (required).

-u &userid

Specifies the login ID of the person who originated the message.

-d &datem

Specifies the system date in mm/dd/yy format.

-t &'time'

Specifies the system time.