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Reports Formatting

Using the dataent.fmt file found in $NX_ROOT/fig/cfg (UNIX) or installation_directory\fig\cfg (Windows) you can customize various data formats on the reports you print. You can view and modify this file using any text editor (Windows users should use WordPad to edit the file).

The following lines in the file control some of the date and time formats:

default_date = "long_date"
short_date = "M/D/YY// Enter a date as MM/DD/YY"
long_date = "MM/DD/YYYY// Enter a date as MM/DD/YY"
default_tod = "hour_12"
hour_12 = "h:mm:ss a(am,pm)// Enter a time of day as hh:mm:ss am/pm"
hour_24 = "HH:mm:ss// Enter a time of day as 00:00:00 - 23:59:59"
hms_12 = "h:mm:ss a(am,pm)// Enter a time of day as hh:mm:ss am/pm"
hms_24 = "HH:mm:ss// Enter a time of day as 00:00:00 - 23:59:59"
default_date_time = "date_time12"
date_time12 = "M/DD/YYYY h:mm:ss a(am,pm)// Enter a date and time as MM/DD/YY hh:mm:ss am/pm"
date_time24 = "M/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss// Enter a date and time as MM/DD/YY 00:00:00-23:59:59"

The following is an example of how you might change these lines to support European dates and times:

default_date = "long_date"
short_date = "D/M/YY// Enter a date as DD/MM/YY"
long_date = "DD/MM/YYYY// Enter a date as DD/MM/YYYY"
default_tod = "hour_24"
hour_12 = "h:mm:ss a(am,pm)// Enter a time of day as hh:mm:ss am/pm"
hour_24 = "HH:mm:ss// Enter a time of day as 00:00:00 - 23:59:59"
hms_12 = "h:mm:ss a(am,pm)// Enter a time of day as hh:mm:ss am/pm"
hms_24 = "HH:mm:ss// Enter a time of day as 00:00:00 - 23:59:59"
default_date_time = "date_time24"
date_time12 = "M/DD/YYYY h:mm:ss a(am,pm)// Enter a date and time as MM/DD/YY hh:mm:ss am/pm"
date_time24 = "M/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss// Enter a date and time as MM/DD/YY 00:00:00-23:59:59"

Note: If you are using pdm_extract to export data from the CA SDM database to another system, and want to extract data to use the date format specified in the dataent.fmt file, use the ‑d flag when you invoke pdm_extract.