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Access Levels

The default configuration includes the following access levels for groups and users:

No Access

Sets all permissions to Not Specified.


Allows the user to see the folder, report or universe. If the report contains data, the user can open and interact with it. If the report does not contain data, the user cannot refresh the report. By default, the user can edit the report and save to a personal folder and refresh it there. You can explicitly prevent users from copying corporate documents to personal folders by setting an individual right that denies "Copy Objects to another folder".


Allows a user to schedule a report but not refresh it in real time.

View On Demand

Allows a user to refresh a report in real time. When the report is a Web Intelligence document, the user also needs View On Demand access to the Universe and Universe connection to perform the refresh.

Full Control

Allows a user to create new reports within a folder, modify existing reports or delete items.


When the preceding access levels do not meet your needs, we provide more granular access by choosing advanced.

When a user or group's access level is set to Advanced, more granular control of rights is available than those assigned through the selection of View, Schedule, View On Demand or Full Control.

BusinessObjects folders use inherited security. You receive the same authority in lower level folders as that of the top folder level that was assigned to you or your group, unless overriding restrictions are applied at lower levels. Default authorizations are provided at the folder level and group level. Users will inherit the rights of their group for all objects in the folder and subordinate folders.

CA Business Intelligence is installed with two groups: Administrators and Everyone. The Everyone group is assigned an Access Level of Schedule which allows scheduling and viewing of all report objects.

More information:

Report Folders