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Print CA SDM Web Pages

CA SDM uses background graphics to format its buttons and notebook tabs. The default setting for many browsers is not to print these background images. Therefore, if you select File, Print on either the browser menu or the CA SDM menu, the printed page shows only the corners of the buttons or tabs.

To print CA SDM web pages on Internet Explorer

  1. Select Tools, Internet options.

    The Internet Options dialog appears.

  2. Select the Advanced tab.
  3. Scroll down to the Printing heading, and select the Print Background Colors and Images option.

    The printed CA SDM web pages include background graphics.

To print CA SDM web pages on Firefox

  1. Select File, Page Setup.
  2. Select the Format & Options tab.
  3. Select the Print Background (color & images) check box.

    The printed CA SDM web pages include background graphics.