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Create and Customize a Menu Tree

You can create and customize menu trees, based on one of the default menu trees provided.

To create and customize a menu tree

  1. Select Security and Role Management, Role Management, Menu Trees on the Administration tab.

    The Menu Tree List page appears.

  2. Click Create New.

    The Create New Menu Tree page appears.

  3. Complete the following fields:
    Menu Tree Name

    (Required) The name you assign that identifies this menu tree.


    (Required) The code that identifies the menu tree to the system. Once the code is defined, it cannot be changed.

    Record Status

    Indicates whether this menu tree is active or inactive.


    A description of the menu tree. The description can be used to give additional details about the menu tree and the roles that use it.

  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Customize Menu.

    A form appears, allowing you to customize the menu tree. At this point, the menu tree contains only a top node with the text you entered as the menu tree name.

  6. Right-click the node in the menu tree and select Create New Node.

    The Create New Node page appears.

  7. Complete the following fields:
    Node Name

    Enter a name for the node. This is the name that appears in the menu tree.


    Enter a description for the node. This description can be used to further define the purpose of the node.


    Enter the resource name directly in the field, or click the search icon to select the resource from a list. The menu tree resource determines the action to perform when the user selects the node from the menu tree.

  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 as many times as necessary to create the set of nodes you want to appear in the menu tree.

    Note: For more information about adding, removing, or editing menu tree resources, see the Online Help.

  9. Click Save.

    The menu tree definition is saved and the Menu Tree Detail page appears.