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Status Codes

Status codes are used to track the status of an item. Separate status codes track requests, change orders, issues, and workflow tasks. In each case, there are predefined status codes that you can use if they suit your needs. Otherwise, you can modify the predefined status codes or define new ones that are specific to your site. Depending on your service desk model, you set up the following codes:

Status Codes



Must be set up for internal and combined service desk models.

Change Order

Must be set up for internal and combined service desk models.


Must be set up for external and combined service desk models.


Must be set up for all service desk models.

Status codes let analysts sort and select information based on the status so that they can carefully track their progress. How carefully you define the status codes determines how accurate the analysts can be in describing the actual status of an item.

You can mark any status code as active or inactive. When you mark a status code as inactive, it is no longer available for analysts to use, but it remains available for future use (that is, it is not deleted from the database). If you decide later to use the status code, you need only to go back to it and mark it as active.

Note: The same area definitions are available for request, incident, and problem tickets. On the Administration tab, these areas are referred to as request/incident/problem areas. For brevity, they are referred to here simply as request areas.