Previous Topic: Determine if ldap_virtdb Process Has Started

Next Topic: Determine if the LDAP Connection is Successful

Determine if All Required Options are Installed

If any of the required LDAP options have not been defined, the stdlog shows those that are missing, as illustrated by the following example:

06/03 17:00:18.72 cpasd1   bopLDAP  1964 SEVERE_ERROR ldap_virtdb.c  1023 LDAP Server port id missing
06/03 17:00:18.78 cpasd1   bopLDAP  1964 SEVERE_ERROR ldap_virtdb.c  1023 LDAP Server distinguished name missing
06/03 17:00:18.78 cpasd1   bopLDAP  1964 SEVERE_ERROR ldap_virtdb.c  1023 LDAP Server distinguished name password missing