Previous Topic: Data Partitions

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Data Partitions Setup

You can define an unlimited number of data partitions. Each data partition consists of a set of constraints and validations on each database table restricted by the data partition. For each table in a data partition, you can specify independent authorizations to view, update, create, or delete records using criteria specified in a format similar to an SQL WHERE clause. You can base the restriction on any attribute in the record being accessed, combined with any data in the user’s contact record. This allows considerable flexibility when defining data partitions. For example, using the Vendor field in the Contact table allows data partition restrictions to be placed on vendors permitted to access CA SDM directly.

For performance reasons, CA SDM does not allow a data partition constraint to contain a Cartesian join. A Cartesian join results from a constraint containing an “OR” that does fully restrict all joined tables on both sides of the OR. To ensure that your data partition constraint does not produce a Cartesian product join, enter the following command:

bop_cmd -f $NX_ROOT\bopcfg\interp\bop_diag.frg "check_queries()"
bop_cmd -f $NX_ROOT/bopcfg/interp/bop_diag.frg "check_queries()"

Important! Any data partitions that are flagged by this program must be updated appropriately. For more information about how to define data partitions, constraints, and constraint types, see the Online Help.