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CA EEM and CA Workflow User Base Configurations

CA EEM is a central repository of user information (identities). CA EEM defines user authentication and access to other applications. If you have several CA Technologies products installed, some of them can use CA EEM to store identities and access policies. CA SDM only uses CA EEM for authentication. CA EEM is not a CA SDM configuration option and must be installed separately.

The CA EEM repository of user records is either of the following sources:

CA EEM has an LDAP interface for use when it is configured to use the MDB.

Note: The MDB tables used by CA EEM are different from the ones used by CA SDM.

If your organization uses a directory server, such as Active Directory or eTrust Directory, consider configuring CA EEM to use the directory for its user base. This configuration makes the users in your directory accessible by any other application that uses CA EEM. Because CA EEM centralizes access management, it is typically installed on a single server.

Note: For more information about installation, see the Implementation Guide.