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Configuring TCP/IP

You can change the default TCP Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) setting on one or more servers. This setting cannot be forced on the client if it is not supported on the server.

The TCP/IP setting is controlled by using the NX.env file, which is found in the $NX_ROOT directory. Use a text editor such as WordPad to edit this file. The following option controls the TCP/IP setting:


where mode can be one of the following values:


In IPv4 mode, the system opens up sockets for slump processes that listen to IPv4 traffic.


In IPv6 mode, the system opens up sockets for slump processes that listen to IPv6 traffic.


In mixed mode, the system opens up sockets for slump processes that listen to both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic. Mixed mode is designed for clients with secondary servers that use a different Internet Protocol from the primary server (or each other).

Note: If IPv4 and IPv6 hosts coexist on the network, ensure that the appropriate transition strategies, tools, and mechanisms to support these technologies are in place before you change the server configuration.
