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Define Change and Issue Categories for Self-Service

You can use the Self-Service Include option to define which change and issue categories to include on tickets for self-service. You can also define different self-service symbols than those seen by the analyst. When the ticket is saved, the self-service symbol appears in the Change (or Issue) Category field. If the ticket displays in the analyst interface, the normal symbol for the category appears.

To define a change (or issue) category for self-service

  1. On the Administration tab, select Service Desk, Change Orders (or Issues), Categories.

    The Category List page appears.

  2. Select Edit In List.

    The top portion of the page displays the editable fields.

  3. Select the desired category from the Symbol list.
  4. Complete the following fields:
    Self-Service Include

    Specifies whether this category is shown in the self-service interface.

    Default: Yes

    Self-Service Symbol

    Specifies a unique identifier for this category in the self-service interface.


    Specifies whether the category is active or inactive.

    The category is defined for self-service.

  5. Click Save.

    The updated category appears in the Change (or Issue) Category List when you redisplay the list.