Endpoint Custom Settings Tab
Use this tab to specify the supported encryption type and salt pairs for the endpoint.
The fields in this tab are listed below:
When acquiring a directory for the first time, this list is pre-populated with the following six items:
You can also manually add the type and pairs here and they will be made available at the Principal and Account Template property sheets. Once the pairs have been added, you can select a pair to be removed or edited.
To remove an encryption type and salt pair from this list box, select the encryption type and salt pairs and click the down arrow (Delete).
Specifies the supported encryption type and salt pairs to be added for this endpoint. To add an encryption type and salt pair, type the encryption type and salt pair in this field and click the up arrow (Add).
When checked, specifies that the DISALLOW_ALL_TIX flag is set when the principal is disabled. This results in the suspended principal’s ALLOW TIX check box on the Account Properties Tab to be unchecked.
When checked, specifies that the expiration date is set to a date in the past so that the principal is disabled.
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