Previous Topic: Attribute Properties in the Managed Object Properties Window

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Attribute Properties in the Attribute Properties Windows

You can see additional details about an attribute by clicking its name to open the Attribute Properties window.

The following attribute properties are displayed in the Attribute Properties window:


Provides a description for the attribute.

Physical Name

Specifies the name of the attribute in the user store.

Object Class (for user, group, and organization attributes in LDAP directories only)

The LDAP auxiliary class for a user attribute, when the attribute is not part of the primary object class specified for the User object.

You can specify an auxiliary object class for the User and Group objects only.

Well-Known Name

Indicates attributes that have special meaning in Identity Manager, such as the attribute used to store user passwords.


Indicates whether a value is required for the attribute, as follows:

Read Only

Indicates the permission level for an attribute, as follows:


Indicates whether an attribute can be displayed in a task window for a particular task.

Hidden attributes are often used in logical attribute schemes.

Note: For more information, see the Programming Guide for Java.

Supports Multiple Values

Indicates whether the attribute can have multiple values, as follows (for example, the attribute used to store the members of a group is multivalued):

Multiple Value Delimiter (for relational databases only)

The character that separates values when multiple values are stored in a single column.

System Attribute

Indicates whether the attribute is used only by Identity Manager, as follows:

Data Type

Specifies the attribute’s data type. The default value is String.

Maximum Length

Specifies the maximum length that an attribute value can have. If set to 0, there is no limit on the value’s length.

Validation Rule Set

Specifies the name of a validation rule set, when the attribute is associated with one.