The Identity Manager Environment Properties screen in the Management Console lets you do the following:
Note: For more information on importing existing Identity Manager Environments, see the upgrade section of the Installation Guide.
Configures advanced features, including features built using the Identity Manager APIs.
Import a role definition file that you exported from another Identity Manager Environment.
Assigns system manager roles.
To modify environment properties
The Identity Manager Environments screen appears with a list of Identity Manager Environments.
The Identity Manager Properties screen appears and displays the following properties:
Defines a unique identifier for the Environment. CA Identity Manager generates this identifier when you create an Identity Manager environment.
You use the OID when you configure task removal from a task persistence database. See the Installation Guide.
Specifies the unique name of the Identity Manager Environment.
Provides a description of the Identity Manager Environment.
Specifies the Identity Manager directory with which the Environment is associated.
Controls how much information CA Identity Manager records and displays in the Environment log when you import an Environment. The Environment log is displayed in the status window in the Management Console when you import an Environment or other object definitions from a file.
Note: Selecting this check box can significantly impact performance.
The verbose log includes validation and deployment messages for each object (task, screen, role and policy) and its attributes in the Environment.
To see the verbose log, select this check box and save the Environment properties. When you import roles or other settings from a file, the additional information appears in the log.
Specifies the Provisioning directory used as the provisioning user store.
Click the right arrow button to configure the provisioning directory in the Provisioning Properties page.
Defines the version number of CA Identity Manager.
Specifies the portion of the Identity Manager URL that does not include the protected or public alias for the environment.
CA Identity Manager uses the base URL to form the Redirect URL to point to the Password Services task in the default password policy for the environment.
Defines the name appended to the base URL for accessing protected tasks in the User Console for an Identity Manager environment.
Defines the name appended to the base URL for accessing public tasks, such as the self-registration and forgotten password tasks.
Defines the user account that CA Identity Manager uses in place of user-supplied credentials to access public tasks.
Determines the amount of time that CA Identity Manager waits after a task is submitted before displaying a status message.
This value is set in the User Console page in Advanced Settings.
Stops or restarts the Identity Manager Environment.
Migrates data from an Identity Manager 8.1 task persistence database to an Identity Manager r12.5 SP8 task persistence database.
For more information, see the Installation Guide.
Note: The Migrate Task Persistence Data from Identity Manager 8.1 button is only visible in environments that were created in previous versions of CA Identity Manager and migrated to CA Identity Manager r12.5 SP8.
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