To review tasks that have been submitted for processing, you can use the search feature in View Submitted Tasks. You can search for tasks based on the following criteria:
Identifies the task name as the search criteria. You can refine the search by specifying conditions such as equals, contains, starts with, or ends with the value of the Where Task Name field. For example, you can specify the search criteria, task name equals Create User by selecting the equals condition, and entering Create User in the text field.
Identifies task status as the search criteria. You can select the task status by enabling Where task status equals, and selecting the condition. You can further refine the search based on the following conditions:
Note: See Task Status Description for more information.
Identifies task priority as the search criteria. You can select the task priority by enabling Where task priority equals, and selecting the condition. You can further refine the search based on the following conditions:
Specifies that you can search for tasks that have a low priority.
Specifies that you can search for tasks that have a medium priority.
Specifies that you can search for tasks that have a high priority.
Identifies the dates between which you want to search submitted tasks. You must provide the From and To dates.
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