The following are examples of how the Business Logic Task Handler API can be used:
When an administrator attempts to add a member to a group by submitting a Modify Group task for execution, access the Group managed object to determine the number of current members. If the group has the maximum number of members, throw an exception.
When a user submits a Create Administrator task for execution, access a third-party database to determine the job title of the administrator being created. If this particular person does not have the job title Supervisor (the only job title authorized to be an administrator), throw an exception.
CA Identity Manager is shipped with a predefined business logic task handler that checks for possible duplication of objects before object creation. For example, the name of a newly created role must be unique. When a role is about to be created, the predefined business logic task handler validates whether the name of the new role already exists. If the name does exist, the handler throws an exception indicating that the role name must be unique, and the administrator has the opportunity to change the name and resubmit the task.
After a user fails to log in three consecutive times, the account is immediately disabled in the data store. Because the account is updated directly in the data store rather than in the task session, CA Identity Manager does not generate an event for this action, and any workflow approval process, auditing, and security checks that may be associated with this action are bypassed. After the final login attempt, a custom message advises the user that the account is disabled.
A user who self-registers with the job title Benefits Administrator is assigned to the group HR. This update is made in the task session, through a call to assignResources() in RelationshipTabHandler. This update triggers the event AddToGroupEvent, allowing the group assignment to be subject to auditing and workflow approval.
An administrator wants to set a value of “manager” before the profile is displayed on the screen. A business logic task handler could be written that would implement the handleSetSubject() method for initialization. This method would assign the administrator’s name to the attribute for the manager’s name. If the name of the administrator is not available, an exception is thrown.
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