A web service development environment must include installations of the following third-party software:
Apache Ant is a Java-based utility for automating the building of Java projects. It is similar to make, however Ant uses XML to describe the build process whereas make has its own Makefile format. By default, the Ant XML file is named build.xml.
Apache Axis is an implementation of the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) server. It includes various utilities and APIs for generating and deploying web service applications. Using Apache Axis, developers can create distributed web service applications.
Eclipse is a widely used Java IDE (Integrated Development Environment). Instead of using the standard Eclipse Java IDE package, we suggest that you download the Eclipse web Tools Platform (WTP) package, which extends the standard Eclipse Java IDE with tools for Web and Java EE applications, including web services.
Note: Eclipse WTP is recommended but not required.
The Sun Java 2 Software Development Kit (SDK) and Run-time Engine (RTE) are required for CA Identity Manager Java development. As of this writing, the CA supported version is Sun J2SDK/J2RE 1.4.2_7, which you can download from the Sun archive.
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