Previous Topic: Create a Select Box Data XML File

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The Select Box Data XML File

The Select Box Data XML file is a tree-based collection of elements and child elements. You can populate fields in any Identity Manager profile screen with elements or child elements in a Select Box Data XML file. After creating the XML file, you can import it using Import Select Box Data task in the User Console.

The following code shows an example of a Select Data XML file that populates the state names and city names when the country is selected as Australia or UK:

<places name="places" displayName="places">
	<country name="AU" displayname="Australia">
		<state name="VIC" displayname="Victoria">
			<city name="MEL" displayname="Melbourne"/>
			<city name="GEEL" displayname="Geelong"/>
			<city name="BAL" displayname="Ballarat"/>
		<state name="NSW" displayname="New South Wales">
			<city name="SYD" displayname="Sydney"/>
			<city name="NCL" displayname="Newcastle"/>
			<city name="WOD" displayname="Wodonga"/>
		<state name="QLD" displayname="Queensland">
			<city name="BRIS" displayname="Brisbane"/>
			<city name="CNS" displayname="Cairns"/>
			<city name="TVL" displayname="Townesville"/>
<country name="UK" displayname="UK">
		<state name="SU" displayname="Surrey">
			<city name="LON" displayname="London"/>
			<city name="READ" displayname="Reading"/>
		<state name="WLS" displayname="Wales">
			<city name="CDF" displayname="Cardiff"/>
			<city name="SWN" displayname="Swansea"/>

Note: The Administrative Tools include a sample Select Box Data XML file, which is installed in the following location:


admin_tools is the installed location of the Administrative Tools.The Administrative Tools are placed in the following default locations:

Note: For more information about the sample, see the readme.txt file in the SelectBoxData directory.