Previous Topic: Configure Managed Objects Screen

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Select Attributes Screen

Use this screen to change or add structural and auxiliary classes for your User, Group, or Organization objects. This screen is pre-configured with values based on common directory schemas and best practices for the type of directory you are using. An administrator can change the structural class by selecting a new class from the drop-down menu. Selecting a class updates the table with attributes belonging to the new structural class.

An auxiliary class can be added by selecting one from the drop-down menu. Selecting an auxiliary class updates the table with attributes belonging to the new auxiliary class.

The fields in this screen are listed below:

Structural Class Name

Specifies the structural class of the attribute to be configured.

Change Button

Click to change the structural class.

Auxiliary Class Name

Specifies the auxiliary class of the attribute to be configured.

Add Button

Click to add an auxiliary class to configure.

Object Class

Specifies the container object class.


Specifies the container ID.


Specifies the container name.

Attributes Table

Specifies the physical name, object class, whether the attribute is multi-valued, and the data type of the selected attributes. Attributes in this table can be sorted by Selected, Object Class, Multi-Valued, and Data Type.

Back Button

Click to go back to the Configured Managed Objects screen.


Click to continue to the Well-Known Mapping screen to map the required and optional well-known aliases.