This dialog lets you specify the parameters for a script style operation binding.
This dialog contains the following fields:
Displays the available mapped object classes.
Lets you specify the object classes you wan to add to this script operation binding.
Specifies the script you want the connector to execute before, after instead of, or after a selected operation.
Describes your operation binding.
Specifies how errors are handled. For example, if the timing is set to Before or After, and this check box is selected, exceptions are thrown and the operation aborts if any errors occur. If this check box is cleared, the connector logs the error but the operation continues if an error occurs.
If the timing is set to Instead Of, and an error occurs, the connector always throws exceptions and aborts the operation when executing the operation binding.
Specifies whether the attributes or the deleted object are cached for the opbinding to function and controls the lookup of all an object's values. Caching is typically done preemptively for Post delete operations.
The default for scripts is Full. For methods, the framework verifies all the parameters mapped for the Post delete stored procedure and selects Full or Exists depending whether non-contextual attributes are present or not, respectively.
Note: The LookUpLevel attribute is important to the handling of Post delete stored procedure operation bindings, as attribute values may need to be cached before the target object is deleted.
Specifies that all attribute values are cached. This is the default for scripts.
Specifies that the Java Connector Server checks that the object being deleted exists. If the object does not exist, the Java Connector Server throws an LdapNameNotFoundException.
Specifies that the method or scripting payload is responsible for determining whether the target object exists. If you select Full or Exits, the framework determines whether the target object exists automatically. This means that the Java Connector Server passes the call on, and that the script or stored procedure you call should determine if the object exists.
Specifies that the connector performs the operation binding directly, rather than generating text that the ScriptStyleOpProcessor runs later.
If selected specifies that the execution of the payload occurs asynchronously and a NamingEnumeration is used to return results in a streaming fashion for one-level and subtree searches.
Note: Connector Xpress displays this field when you select the Search operation from the Available Operations dialog in the Create Operation dialog.
Specifies that a function in a global script is executed as the script for this operation binding.
Specifies the global script from which the function is selected.
Displays the Edit Script dialog which lets you create a new global script.
Defines the function that is executed in the selected global script.
Specifies the individual script that is executed for this operation binding.
Displays the Edit Script dialog which lets you add or modify the individual script.
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