Policy rules can be evaluated for an event in the following two ways:
A policy with evaluation type of Always gets invoked if the policy evaluates to True irrespective of whether any attributes contained in the policy are changed or not. On the approval screen for a work item that was generated as a result of a policy evaluation type of Always, an approver can change any editable attribute on the approval screen.
Note: If the approver clicks the Reject button, the event is rejected.
For Always, evaluation type behaviour is the same for tasks and events.
A policy with evaluation type of OnChange gets invoked only if the policy evaluates to True and any of the attributes contained in the policy changed. On the approval screen for a work item that was generated as a result of a policy with evaluation type of Onchange, the approver can only change the value of those attributes contained in the policy, if those attributes have a permission of readwrite for that approval screen. All other attributes that exist on the approval screen have read-only permissions.
Note: For event level workflow, if the approver clicks the Reject button, only changes made to the attributes contained in the approval policy are rejected and the next approval policy in order, gets evaluated.
For task level workflow, if the approver clicks the reject button, the event is rejected.
Note: For both rule types OnChange and Always, when an approver un-does all changes and clicks Approve, the changes are rejected and audited accordingly.
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