This dialog displays a summary of the operation bindings for the currently selected operation. Operations are performed in the order displayed in the list. You can use this dialog to bind a script or stored procedure to an operation and change the order in which the operating bindings are executed.
This dialog contains the following fields that are not self-explanatory:
Displays the available mapped object classes.
Lets you filter the opbindings that are displayed in the Before, Instead of and After lists. Operation bindings for the classes displayed in this list are displayed in these lists.
The selections you make in this list are also displayed in all Filtered object classes lists in all Opbinding Operation editors. Also any changes to you make to this list in other Operation binding editors are also displayed in this list.
Displays the operation binding that the connector performs before the specified operation. The connector executes the operation binding in the order displayed in the list.
Displays the operation binding that the connector performs instead of the specified operation. The connector executes the operation binding in the order displayed in the list.
Displays the operation binding that the connector performs after the specified operation. The connector executes the operation binding in the order displayed in the list.
Displays the Create Operation Bindings dialog which lets you specify operation binding information.
Deletes the currently selected operation binding.
Changes the order in which the selected operation binding is performed.
Changes the order in which the selected operation binding is performed.
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