There are five tasks that work together to make up the default online request implementation. These tasks demonstrate the use of custom requests, history, and workflow action buttons:
Note: The admin tasks (Change My Account and Create Online Request) are configured by default for event-level workflow using the Consultation Process template.
This is a self-modification admin task that creates a user account change request. It has a Request tab with a history editor for describing the request, and a Profile tab with read-only user details.
This is a user modification admin task that creates an account change request for a particular user. It has a Request tab with a history editor for describing the request, and a Subject Profile tab with read-only user details.
This is an approval task that allows the business participant to approve or reject the task, or to request further clarification of the task. This task has a Request tab with a history display and a history editor for queries or comments, a read-only Subject Profile tab, and an Assignees tab.
This is an approval task that allows the clarifying participant to respond to a clarification request, and sends the task back to the business participant for approval. It has a Request tab with a history display and a history editor for comments, and a read-only Subject Profile tab.
This is an approval task that allows the technical participant to implement the task and to add a comment to the task history. It has an Implement Request tab with a history display and a history editor for comments, a read-only Subject Profile tab, and an Assignees tab.
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