In configuring tabs, you often need to show a list of items, such as a list of users or roles. The list appears on the tab that you are configuring. In these situations, create a List Screen to control the columns and sorting of the objects on the tab.
You can configure the following fields for a List Screen:
Defines the name of the task.
An identifier that is unique within the task. It can contain ASCII characters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), or underscore characters, beginning with a letter or underscore. The tag is used for setting data values through XML documents or HTTP parameters.
Specifies the attributes that appear as fields in the search results.
Specifies the label for the field in the search results.
Determines the format of the field in the search results. You can specify the following style options:
Displays the name of the field for all results that are true. For example, if you enter Enabled as the name of the attribute that indicates a user’s account status, "Enabled" would appear in the search results for all active user accounts.
Displays the value as a selected or deselected checkmark based on the value of the attribute. For example, if you select the checkmark style to represent the Enabled/Disabled state of user accounts, Identity Manager displays a selected checkmark for all active accounts.
Displays the values in a multi-value attribute on separate lines. The values are listed alphabetically.
Displays the value as a read only checkbox.
Displays the value as a text string.
Adds a task list to a field. Users click a right arrow icon to see a list of tasks that they can perform on the object associated with the search field. For example, if you add a task list to a Last Name field in the search results, users can click on the arrow icon in that field to see a list of tasks they can perform on the user they select.
Determines whether users can sort search results based on the selected field.
Determines the order in which search results are displayed. When the Descending checkbox is selected, the search results are sorted alphabetically in descending order. The results are sorted in the order in which they appear in the list.
Indicates the number of search results to display in the search results.
Specifies text that appears above the list of search results.
Specifies text that appears below the list of search results.
You can also add text above and below a list screen.
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