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How to Use the WorkPoint Method

This section lists the high-level steps involved with placing admin tasks under workflow control using the WorkPoint method.

Note: For greater flexibility and ease of use, CA recommends that you use the template method whenever possible.

To use the WorkPoint method

  1. In the Management Console:
    1. Ensure workflow is enabled.
    2. (Optional) For global event mapping, associate one or more events to the appropriate predefined workflow process.
    3. If necessary, restart the Identity Manager environment.
  2. In the User Console:
    1. For task-specific event mapping, associate one or more events to the appropriate predefined workflow process. (optional)
  3. In WorkPoint Designer:
    1. Associate an approval task with a workflow process (optional).
    2. Configure participant resolvers with a workflow process (optional).
  4. In the User Console:
    1. After workflow control is configured, the user with the appropriate role performs the admin task.
    2. The designated workflow participant approves or rejects the event.

More Information:

Mapping Processes to Events

Associate an Activity with an Approval Task

Participant Resolvers: WorkPoint Method