Administration Guide › Workflow › WorkPoint Method › How to Use the WorkPoint Method
How to Use the WorkPoint Method
This section lists the high-level steps involved with placing admin tasks under workflow control using the WorkPoint method.
Note: For greater flexibility and ease of use, CA recommends that you use the template method whenever possible.
To use the WorkPoint method
- In the Management Console:
- Ensure workflow is enabled.
- (Optional) For global event mapping, associate one or more events to the appropriate predefined workflow process.
- If necessary, restart the Identity Manager environment.
- In the User Console:
- For task-specific event mapping, associate one or more events to the appropriate predefined workflow process. (optional)
- In WorkPoint Designer:
- Associate an approval task with a workflow process (optional).
- Configure participant resolvers with a workflow process (optional).
- In the User Console:
- After workflow control is configured, the user with the appropriate role performs the admin task.
- The designated workflow participant approves or rejects the event.
More Information:
Mapping Processes to Events
Associate an Activity with an Approval Task
Participant Resolvers: WorkPoint Method