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How to Reassign Work Items

Reassigning a work item from one user to another is a two-step process:

Note: You must have scope over users to whom you want to reassign.

To reassign a work item for yourself

  1. Select Home, View My Work List.

    Your work list appears.

  2. Select a work item to expand it.
  3. Select the Approvers tab.

    The list of all current approvers appears, including the user whose work list you are managing.

  4. Click Add Assignees.

    A select user screen appears.

  5. Search for and select one or more users to whom you want to reassign.
  6. Click the minus sign button (-) to remove yourself as an assignee.
  7. Click Perform Reassignment.

    The work item appears on the work lists of the reassigned users.

Note: An administrator can reassign, reserve, or release another user's work item, but cannot approve or reject another user's work item. Only the owner of the work item can do that.

To reassign a work item for another user

  1. Select Users, Manage Work Items, Manage User's Work Items.

    A select user screen appears.

  2. Search for the user whose work items you want to reassign, and click Select.

    The Manage User's Work Items screen appears.

  3. Select a work item to expand it.
  4. Select the Approvers tab.

    The list of all current approvers appears, including the user whose work list you are managing.

  5. Click Add Assignees.

    A select user screen appears.

  6. Search for and select one or more users to whom you want to reassign.
  7. Click the minus sign button (-) to remove the current assignee.
  8. Click Perform Reassignment.

    The work item appears on the work lists of the reassigned users.