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You can define the subject and body of an email using simple text, or add them with dynamic content that is calculated when the email is sent.

The subject line is a plain text field where you can write your message. This message is the subject of the email.

The body is displayed in an HTML editor. You can insert and format any text to form the email body.

To include dynamic content, you select options from a drop-down list. The editor adds dynamic content indicators, which resemble the following, where the cursor is located:


type represents one of the supported dynamic content types.

For example, when you select the Attribute dynamic content type and specify the FirstName attribute, the HTML editor displays the following in the Content tab:

{'Attribute: FirstName'}

Note: To add dynamic content to the subject line, use the drop-down list below the subject line. To add dynamic content in the email body, use the drop-down list below the content box.

When the email message is sent, CA Identity Manager replaces the dynamic content with the appropriate text. The text retains the formatting, such as bold characters, specified in the HTML editor.

Dynamic content types include the following:


Specifies today's date in the format you specify.


Specifies the task for which the email is sent.

Object Name

Specifies the name of the object in the event that triggers the email. If the event is a user event, this field is the user login name.

The object can be something other than a user. For example, it can be any managed object such as a group, admin role, and so on.


Specifies the value of one of the user attributes. The user is the subject of the task. This option requires selecting the attribute from a drop-down list.

Manager Attribute

Specifies the value of one of the attributes of the user's manager. The user is the subject of the task. This option requires selecting the attribute from a drop down list.

Note: To use the Manager recipient option, configure the manager attribute for the environment. To configure the manager attribute, go to Environments, EnvironmentName, Advanced Settings, Miscellaneous in the Management Console. Set managerattribute to the name of the physical attribute that stores the unique name of a user's manager.

For relational databases, specify the attribute using the following format:



Allows you to select a custom data element to define the recipients.

When you select the custom option, a drop-down list appears with the custom data elements that are available for use.

Note: The section Data provides more information about data elements.