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Detailed Object Attribute Definition Screen

Use this screen to specify other attribute definitions. An administrator can define the metadata for each selected attribute by modifying the display name, how the attribute is to be managed in the User Console screens, the data type of the value, the maximum length, and the validation rule set. Once you are through specifying attribute definitions, click Next to continue.

The fields in this screen are listed below:

Display Name

Specifies the unique name for the managed object attribute. This is the name that is displayed in the User Console.


Specifies the data classification tags for the managed object attribute value. The tags are all optional and all default to false except for searchable. The following tags can be selected:


Indicates the attribute is mandatory when creating objects.

Multiple Values

Indicates the attribute appears as multi-valued.


Indicates the attribute is hidden.


Indicates the attribute is a system attribute and is not added to the task screens.


Indicates the attribute is added to search filters. Defaults to true.

Sensitive Encrypt

Indicates the attribute is sensitive and is displayed as a series of asterisks (*).

Hide in VST

Indicates the attribute is hidden in the Event Details screen for View Submitted Tasks.

Do not copy

Indicates the attribute should be ignored when an administrator creates a copy of an object.

Previously encrypted

Indicates the attribute being accessed in the user store was previously encrypted and needs to be decrypted. The clear text value is saved to the user store when the object is saved.

Untagged encrypted

Indicates the attribute was previously encrypted in the user store and does not have the encryption algorithm tagname at the beginning of the encrypted text.

Data Type

Specifies the data type of the value for the managed object attribute in the User Console. You can select from the following:

Maximum Length

Specifies the maximum length of the value for the managed object attribute

Default: 0

Validation Rule Set

Specifies the validation rule sets to validate the value of the managed object attribute. You can select from the following:

Back Button

Click this button to go back to the Basic Object Attribute Definition Screen to make any changes needed.

Next Button

Click this button to continue to the Configure Managed Objects Screen. From there you can select the next managed object to configure or if finished configuring your managed objects, select Show summary and deploy directory to view your directory information and deploy the directory.

More information

Managing Sensitive Attributes